b'THE ELLESMERIAN 123FootballU13A combination of Covid-19 illness and appalling weather conditionsAfter the half term break and an improvement in the weather, the meant that this was an extremely challenging season for the U13 boysAbbeygate fixture was able to go ahead. This was another closely football team. Therefore, it became apparent from very early on thatcontested game where both sides had several chances to take the the emphasis for this team had to be on making it as fun as possible. lead and control the game. On this occasion, despite having the majority of the possession, Ellesmere were susceptible to counter Wind and rain made the first two fixtures of the season impossible toattacks which led to Abbeygate taking a 3-2 lead with just five minutes fulfil so Abbeygate and Oldham Hulme were unfortunately cancelled.to go. In the dying moments of the game Ellesmere were still able to This meant that the first opportunity to actually play a game came oncreate chances to level the score but were unable to take them. 1st February against Sir John Talbots School. This was a hotly competitive game that could have gone either way, but a loss inThe final game of the season was held at home against local rivals concentration allowed the visitors to gain the upper hand and scoreLakelands Academy, which was played in a good spirit with lots of from a corner making it 2-1 at full time.attacking opportunities. However, Ellesmere were once more (only just) on the losing end. This final game of the season finished 2-1 to An away trip to Oswestry School came next where both teamsLakelands. agreed to go all out on attack and not to worry too much about defence. This highly entertaining game finished 5-4 with EllesmereJED being on the losing end but only just.Two defeats from our opening two fixtures meant that morale was low going into the next game away at Liverpool College. However, a change in formation from a 4-4-2 to a 5-3-2 made a significant difference in the teams ability to defend in numbers and also to attack wide areas. Unfortunately, despite several chances to clinch the game, Ellesmere were unable to find that final pass to unlock the Liverpool defence and secure their first win of the season. The team had to settle for a 0-0 draw but spirits had been restored by this gritty and determined performance.'