b'THE ELLESMERIAN We also looked at the importance of confession and self-examination, giving and receiving, love, devotion, and worship.After the Easter Holiday we moved onto a topic that is often left21unexamined but which teenagers especially need to think carefully about: What is love? Of course, their years in the senior school will be filled with many feelings but which of them are love and which lust? And how should they behave in a relationship? They might feel loving but what should they do about that? We discovered the following marks of love: it adapts, it takes time, it respects boundaries, love is not earnt, it takes joy in the beloveds successes and helps them to flourish. We finished the academic year by learningboth in the lower and the senior schoolsabout the Holy Spirit, sometimes called the forgotten God. Various aspects of her ministry to us were explored and near the end of the term we had a joy-filled whole school Eucharist. Elements of liturgical style from the Lower School and the Senior School came together to enhance each other and complete our consideration of the Holy Spirit: who is breath of life, fire of God, midwife of creation, and spirit of truth. As ever I am very grateful for the assistance of the Sacristan and Chapel Prefect; this year they were Amy Evans and Harriet Otter. Although they had fewer opportunities to serve at grand occasions, they went about their business with dignity and good humour. I hope we will see them serving at OE occasions in the future. PG'