b'THE ELLESMERIANLower School38 Education is the most powerful tool we can use to develop our world.N. MandelaIt was a fitting end to the academic year that we could welcome families once again into College, to Lower School Last Assemblies and Strawberry and Fizz parties on the terrace. We have sadly missed these events due to the pandemic restrictions and it was good to start establishing some routines, indicating some semblance of normality is returning again.The Key Stage 3 Assembly took place on the top floor of Lower School. There was a wonderful atmosphere and the weather was extremely kind. Miss Ellis and a group of Year Eight 8 pupils started proceedings by singing a medley of songs. We have superb opportunities for pupils to develop their musical talents at the College. At the end of each academic year it is correct and an opportune time to sincerely thank the music staff for their dedication and support of Lower School musicians and vocalists. Once again there have been outstanding performances in concerts and festivals, and the Lower School choir is comprised of children from across all age groups.Mr. Dilks, the Assistant Head Academic, kindly stepped forward to help present prizes in the Key Stage 3 Assembly. We wish Mr. Dilks well, as from next term he is undertaking a new Housemaster role at the College. WeMy name is Lucy, and it has been a huge privilege to be Head Girl this thank Mr Dilks for his work over the past eight years; he is a respectedyear. As we come to the end of our time in Lower School, I want to colleague. Mrs. Hibbott will be undertaking the role from September.say a massive thank you to all the teachers who have supported us during our time here. In particular, I would like to thank Mrs Morgan The final Assemblies are indeed a special day to take a moment tofor making me feel so welcome when I first joined and being someone formally celebrate all that has been achieved through a busy academicI always felt I could go to if I needed advice. Mr Dilks for being a great year. Life in Lower School passes at a terrific pace and the pupilsform tutor and someone who has played a really supportive role in squeeze a great deal into their academic week. Many achievements canmore recent times. Last but not least, Mrs Owen for being such an be tangible. However, it is also important to reflect on the less visibleamazing Head of Lower School, for being helpful and kind whenever I skills that gradually develop over the passing of time and by learningneeded it, teaching me Science, and revealing the secret to making through experiences and mistakes. All of these personal achievementssherbet during Open Day. for the pupils contribute to their successful educational journey. In Lower School we try to nurture well-balanced and kind people whoIn addition, I would like to thank the people behind the scenes, are flexible thinkers, articulate and effective and ready to tackle anincluding the kitchen staff, grounds men and all the people who work ever-changing world outside of the College.so hard to make the school what it is. If you are wondering what I mean by this, Lower School gives you opportunities and experiences We also believe that children should step outside of their comfortthat show you qualities you didnt even know you had. zone and challenge themselves. We guide them to take every opportunity that arises. My memory of Ellesmere starts back in Year 4 watching Maths Mansion with Nina, Tanny and Izzy whilst eating cookies and milkI This Years Head Boy and Girl were Nathaniel Clewlow and Lucymean, no wonder I enjoyed Maths so much! Moving into Year 5 with Chadwick. They shared their personal thoughts of how the year hadMrs. Philips, we learnt about self-sufficiency by trying to grow gone from their perspectives. They have been exceptional ambassadorsvegetablessome even managed to grow upside down and that is not for the College and I will watch their progress through the Collegean exaggeration. Year 6 started well with Mr. Hutchings teaching us years, with fondness.resilience when it comes to withstanding sarcasm. This was fortunate'