b'THE ELLESMERIAN 64we all bundled off in the minibuses to Capel Curig and then back tosuccessfully completed the walking part of the expedition. They Betws-y-Coed, which would be our base for the next 2 days. However,completed their expedition section back at school by completing a by the time we reached the starting point in Capel Curig the sunshinepresentation on their aims about resilience and teamwork. we had set off to had turned into a maelstrom of heavy rain and wind.We had three groups: one practice group of Year 10s and twoAfter the October half term the pupils moved on to completing assessed groups of Year 11 who had missed out doing their practicetheir skills sections of their awards. This year pupils either learnt to the previous autumn due to covid, completing it in the summer. Theplan and look after an allotment or learn a range of craft skills, such first group to set off were the practice group, followed by the twoas embroidery, needlework and pompom making. The pupils assessed groups. The first day saw the pupils walking from Capelcompleted their volunteering sections outside of the sessions, helping Curig to Swallow Falls where they would be camping for the night.housemothers, neighbours, and extended family.Within the first hour the practice group had got very lost with the weather compounding things. The assessed groups faired better andThis year we were able to run the summer expedition and, after navigated themselves back to camp successfully, with the practiceextra navigation practice and more expo training, we set off. This year group coming in last. By the time the final group appeared in camp itthe Year 10s walked from Barmouth to Dolgellau and then up had gone dark, so the pupils had to put their tents up by the light oftowards Bala. This group had quite a bit of pressure on them as they head torches, but they still managed to make some impressiveneeded to pass this practice expedition to be able to move on to dinners including curry and chocolate pudding. their assessed one and complete their awards. Unlike the practice, the group set off in the sunshine along the estuary from Barmouth On the second day pupils took a circular route walk from and backup towards Dolgellau. The sun was short-lived and, as can be the to Swallow Falls. The walk took them past two lakes, throughcase in Snowdonia, it started to torrentially rain. However, the pupils woodland, and gave the pupils some amazing views of Snowdonia.did well and continued to navigate brilliantly despite this. They made Sadly, the practice group didnt redeem themselves on their secondit into the campsite in Dolgellau in good time and set up for the day of walking either, having walked back and forth towards Swallownight by cooking a substantial camp stove dinner.Falls several times and then getting completely lost several times after. Luckily all the assessed pupils set off in the right direction andThe second day saw them walk up through the Snowdonian got back to camp with light in the sky. countryside through woods and valleys towards Bala. The weather had returned to summer, which lightened everyones mood. The The final and third day saw the practice group go back to schoolpupils successfully navigated their way for a second day and having completed their practice attempt and the two assessedcelebrated back at the campsite with birthday cake for Felix.groups stay out to finish the final part of their assessment. On this final day the pupils walked back from Swallow Falls to Betws-y-CoedRJH over the hills behind. The day stayed dry, and the assessed pupils'