b'THE ELLESMERIAN 22Competitive Houses MEYNELLHousemaster: Mr D. BottomThroughout this period, our Captains of House, Alex Bain and Lucy Stevens, demonstrated outstanding leadership as they organised, House Tutors: Miss A.C. Darrant, Mrs L.L Edwards, Mrs J.K. Evans,cajoled and inspired House members to play their part on the Mrs Z.J. Fisher, Mr M.T. Horton, Mrs S. Phillips, Mr I.L. Roberts, sporting field and to participate in academic competitions. They were Dr H.S. Shakibi, Dr I.G. Tompkins, Mr I.L. Williamsably supported by the Meynell Leadership Team, who kept spirits up and wholike Lucy and Alexset high standards. One cloud on the Captains of House: Lucy Stevens and Alex Bain horizon was the cancellation of House Singing. Of course, there was a silver lining: we retained the cup we won back in 2020 so are, Meynell Leadership Team: Amy Evans, Connie Trollope, Dougfactually at least, on one of the longest winning streaks in the Carden, William Bryson, Oliver Barrett, Mey Funke, Elizabeth Bowers,competitions history! James Barker, Findlay ReddingtonThis past year has been slightly less peculiar than the preceding ones. Lockdowns and bubbles became more of a memory than a reality and the College began the slow return to normality. As the year moved on, House meetings started to take place in the real world rather than the strangely disembodied space offered by virtual assemblies. Many competitions returned to the calendar and the cut and thrust of sporting, academic, and artistic competition came back to life.The Michaelmas term began with Its a Knockout for the Sixth Form. Though not meant to be a competitive event, competitive it became with tug-of-war, three-legged football, and water-balloon races getting the new year off with a bang. Also, we saw the very welcome return of House Plays in a packed Arts Centre. The cast and production team threw themselves into rehearsing Roald Dahls Little Red Riding Hood. Amy Evans and Doug Carden were strikingly powerful and amusing narrators of a twisted tale that saw Alex Bain don a stunning Shrek costume. Iris Grigoras led the off-stage production with precision and flair. Michaelmas also saw the reappearance of the Mini-Saga competition after a two-year hiatus. House Captain, Alex, finished 2nd in the Seniors with a tale about mistaking Santa for a burglar and Carmen Kilgannon, Year 12, came 3rd with a tense piece about waiting for a food delivery. In the Juniors, Eddie Pytches, Year 10, came 1st with an amusing take on cheating in the classroom.As always, we had an impressive number of'