b'THE ELLESMERIAN 107Girls HockeyU13This past season saw the U13 girls side grow in confidence andOne of the final tests that Ellesmere relished the opportunity to face knowledge of the game. The young Ellesmere side started with awas welcoming Bedstone College to the campus. With the match keen and enthusiastic approach to their training, taking on board allbeing played on a Saturday morning it gave the home team a massive the advice and guidance that was on offer.boost to see all the support on offer from family and friends. With both sides keen to end the season on a high, the game was played The first test was against local side The Kings School, Chester, wherewith passion and pride. Bedstone were quick to score the opening the Ellesmere side put into practice what they had learnt in thegoal and this served to motivate the Ellesmere side to get to work. previous weeks. It was a great display of hockey on show, and theyWith plenty of action throughout the game, both goalkeepers were used the width to great effect. The Ellesmere team were delightedkept busy. The final goal of the match was scored by the Ellesmere with the final result of 2-2. The was an incredibly close fought contest. side, levelling the final tally to 1-1. It was a truly great display of The sides first taste of victory came against Adcote School for Girls.hockey from both sides. This home game for the Ellesmere side was one of the best displays of hockey the side had given. With great linking play between theThe team set out to improve their understanding of the game and defence and the forwards, the team was able to transition the ballwork together as a team. It was a fantastic season and I can safely say well in the oppositions D. This led to many shots on target andthat their goal was achieved.plenty of penalty coroners. As the final whistle blew, it left the Ellesmere girls very pleased with their 3-1 victory.SJT'