b'THE ELLESMERIAN 141CricketKS2/U12 MixedRestarting the cricket schedule for KS2 pupils amid considerableThis victory was quickly followed by a narrow defeat to a mixed Covid-19 disruption was a significant challenge for everyoneU12 team from Moreton Hall by just 9 runs on 24th May. involved. It was crucial to introduce as many girls as possible to theAfter half term, on 9thJune a return fixture against Sir John Talbot game and ensure that the maximum participation was achieved.school saw Ellesmere Mixed U12s win again, this time by just 7 Emphasis was placed on having fun from the very beginning ofruns. This was followed by a chance to put right the earlier defeat term and all pupils played their part, whether they were cricketagainst Moreton Hall on 14thJune. This time Ellesmere came out enthusiasts or new comers to the game. Results at this age groupon top by 12 runs. really are a secondary consideration. Several matches were forced to be cancelled due to Covid-19 but the few fixtures that did goUnfortunately, the final occasion of the season for the U11 Girls ahead were thoroughly enjoyable and a valuable opportunity towould have been The Wrekin College Cricket Festival on give the pupils important game time experience.23rdJune but this was another one of those occasions that Ellesmere could not attend due to Covid-19 illnesses. The first fixture of the term was held on 5thMay where U9 and U11 games were held at Moreton Hall. The U9s were victoriousCSD while the U11s lost their match by 19 runs.On 19thMay a mixed U12 game was held against Sir John Talbot school. In this 10 over match Ellesmere managed to accumulate 95 runs for 4 wickets in reply to their opponents scoring 93 runs for the cost of 1 wicket.'