b'THE ELLESMERIAN 113Netball2nd VIIWe began the season with the short trip to Moreton Hall. As ever, thisGames against Wrekin are always a tough proposition and we were was a closely fought contest with committed defending and attackingfielding a team with a number of younger players. They proved to be a from both sides. We were neck and neck after each quarter, with thegreat addition to the side and gave us some extra strength in both lead alternating, both teams matching each other goal for goal.attack and defence. After going behind in the first half we rallied and Unfortunately, we began to fade in the final quarter and ended theput in a strong performance, but could not quite make up the ground match losing 18-22. lost earlier in the game. Nevertheless, a loss with a score-line of 18-24 proved that we are capable of challenging opponents. The fixture We then had to face some of our toughest opponents in matchesagainst Kings, Chester is always played in a good spirit and this season against Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Shrewsbury High School andwas no exception. Despite challenging conditions, both teams fought Shrewsbury School. Despite conceding heavily against NULS, we kepthard, demonstrating some real commitment and we made the most our composure and were able to score 16 goals against a reallyof our attacking opportunities to end the game with a win. competent defence. We were also missing key defenders, through injury, against Shrewsbury High School and Shrewsbury School, whichUnfortunately, the scheduled triangular fixture with Newcastle-Under-meant we were always trying to play catch-up. Other players steppedLyme School and Wolverhampton Grammar School did not go ahead, in to fill these defensive positions and the team could not be faultedso we were unable to finish the season with this real test of our for the level of effort and commitment on show.abilities. Overall, this was a challenging season for a team that comprised novice, young and experienced players but was also one A number of the 2nd team also made up a large proportion of thethat highlighted players abilities to show fortitude and resilience, both U16 team that played in the North Shropshire tournament. The teamon and off the court. demonstrated great resilience in the face of adversity when one of the team suffered a serious injury.At the end of the group stages, weLK went through to the final against Oswestry School. Scores were level at full time and even after extra time the teams could not be separated, so it was agreed that the trophy would be shared.'