b'Reffell Open THE ELLESMERIAN 147The Reffell Open this year was all about the past and the future. Itserved out to win the match. So well done, Jemimah and Mark. We all was about the past, well, about half PAST six rather than 5.45pm, thathope Mark returns next year to defend his title and brings the family. the Evans family decided to turn up. Lesley, Mark and Amy were up toWho knows, soon Gemma will be partnering one of her own brood mind games as they made sure that the opposition had tiredrather than her ageing partner! themselves out by having to practise for forty-five minutes! It almost worked but they had forgotten one important factor: Reffell playersAs usual the Watson clan turned up. The Reffell Open wouldnt be are more interested in chatting than practising! Mark and Amy didthe same without Chelseas smile, although teaching in Walsall seems manage a quarter-final berth where they almost put out defendingto have given her a slightly more vicious streak, with Mrs Watsons champions John Cowley and Chelsea Watson.Pimm making skills and now Mr Watson who is the official chip delivery man! We look forward to seeing Chelsea back again. Rumours that she might be living in Glasgow soon, presumably as a street fighter, worry the organiser. Surely Scotland doesnt deserve another feisty woman!Anyway, enough banter. There was the usual fun and laughter. Did Tash Dalziel ever stop laughing?Thanks to Ian and Christianne Williams for presenting the prizes. I expect to hear that there is a school in Hong Kong with a similar tournament. And yes, if there is, Chelsea, you can enter it.At the end of the evening John Cowley presented me and the College with a new trophy called the Harry Cup, to be presented each year to the player or pair who most reflect the true spirit of It was about the past too in that the original Reffell Champions, Davidsocial tennis. It was deeply touching, so many thanks. Fortunately Reffell and Gemma Hepburn, nee Torrance, joined forces once again.social tennis is in good hands. Next years Head Girl, Tabitha Leonard, Despite being a mother of four, and having left over twenty years ago,has taken on the mantle of social tennis secretary, meaning her Gemma had lost none of that graceful power, and, amazingly, not agedpriorities are now social tennis, A Levels, dragging her father off the a day! It was a delight to have her back, albeit in a tennis centre thatkaraoke floor in the Ellesmere Hotel, cricket, music and finally Head didnt exist in her day. The Hepburns had travelled all the way fromGirl. We wish her luck in all those roles but know she will accomplish Hampshire on the day. This showed real commitment and theyall in her charming way. arrived on time through busy Friday night traffic, whereas the Evans claim that major traffic queues in that metropolis that is CriftinsWe look forward to next year and the years to follow. Social tennis is (population 7 people, 12 horses, and a postbox, emptied once aone of the great Ellesmere events, now involving local people, parents, week) held them up didnt quite convince the officialdom.OEs, and occasionally perhaps those from Criftins if they can book a BnB half way to break the long journey up! It was about the future too, as most looked on in awe as players like Guy Welti, Aditi Chezhian, and Jemimah Choi dazzled us with theHO level of tennis. These young players have a great future ahead and are a credit to the Tennis Academy and Stephen Welti, the Director of Tennis. All three brought out the best in their partners: Guy coaxed his sister into a semi-final, much, I imagine, to Robyns surprise (and probably her parents), and Aditi hauled that Reffell giant Jon Morgan into his second final. Jemimah Choi had other ideas though. As Morgan shed half his body weight in sweat and tears, Jemimah effortlessly returned almost every ball that anyone hit at her. With Gemmas husband, Mark, also in a league above most of the other men, Morgan did well to make the final so close. At one stage Aditi and Morgan were 1-2 and 15-40 down with Morgan serving (well, he calls it serving, the rest of us are just left wondering why a man who must be well over six feet has one of the weakest serves in Western Europe!). But he managed to win the game leaving it finely balanced at 2-2, but Ice Queen Jemimah was to serve next. And whilst Morgan struggled to breathe, having being targetedor some might say bulliedby the opposition, Jemimahs first drop of sweat thought about rolling down her forehead but then thought better of it as she'