b'THE ELLESMERIAN 40Runners up were: Kiri Kilgannon and Archie FearnallThe Expressive Arts continue to expand in school. We continue to Winners were: Kynan Wheatley Jones and Mini Uras-Garvin,retain Arts Mark Platinum status. This is a nationally recognized with Mini winning the overall trophy forbenchmark, demonstrating the breadth of opportunities for pupils in Phillips House!the creative arts at the College. Music and drama often combine to produce excellent opportunities for all the pupils.Excellent academic standards are recognized throughout the year with Commendations. These Commendations are awarded by teachers inLast term the Year 7 and Year 8 pupils demonstrated their talent in the recognition of outstanding academic work. The pupils who havestage production of High School Musical which was a huge success.achieved the highest number of Commendations for their work thisEarlier this year, the LAMDA-London School of Music and Dramatic year are:Arts examinations went very well, with a high number of candidates gaining a distinction grade and the remaining pupils gaining a merit.Yr. 8George GrationYr.7 Izzy Philbin We have had a superb year where musicians and the choir have We celebrate effort as well as attainment and it is with pleasure thatperformed to a wonderful standard. Many of our pupils play music or we can name those children who achieved the highest average effortsing and receive music tuition. This year, over 70 Lower School pupils grades over the entire year in Key Stage 3. took part in the Lent and Summer Music concerts. The termly Music Teas have continued to provide pupils with even more opportunities to Year 7 Harry Wyke Year 8 Seren Garrettperform in front of an audience. The end of year Cre8 event was a showcase for everyones hard work and improvement through the year. Pupils have worked hard on Keyboard Skills and have taken their first examinations. Bronze and Silver Awards Nathan DracoLexi Algar PattinsonSienna Hanratty Harry Wyke Imogen EdwardsLouie Avery Max Christie Alfie Edwards Joe Whale Oliver DysonGrayson Newbold Gold AwardsDouglas LoganIsla Harris Ellie WinnPayton Marski Esmae NossRalph Cornwell Skye Thomas Joseph DymondJesse WhaleKynan Wheatley JonesDaniel Baggaley Platinum Awards Aaron Heward India Hibbott Kiri Kilgannon Hannah OrmeImogen Spencer BlowMeg Pritchard Bella NewDylan Tanner Oscar Hickish Oscar Hewitt Alex Hu Izzy Philbin Joseph Joyce'