b'THE ELLESMERIAN because we needed this skill when COVID hit, the school closed downMoving forward a few years, more people joined, I switched and we moved onto Teams where my most frequently said phraseteachers and I began finding passions in learning that pushed became - Mr. HutchingsYoure on mute. In Year 7 we wore track suitsme to want to achieve more, and allowed me to find people and face masks, and Mr. Wignall must have got a really good deal onwith similar interests that were also fun to have around. I also39hand-san because it was everywhere. And now to Year 8picked up many different hobbies. Through these, I bonded even more with others, and felt like I was in a team with Ive taken my responsibilities as Head Girl seriously. This includes:people I enjoyed being around. I loved that sense of comradery, almostTrying to come to school early despite Mr. Coupes time keeping.a second family to me really. Helping out with Chapeleven though I never got to wave theincense around.Obviously, nothing would have been accomplished if it werent for theDoing readings and making speeches.amazing and never-ceasing work of all the teachers, cleaners, cooks, andHelping choose the themes for prefect dinnersIm still getting overgrounds men that are always working on making our school the best itour defeat in Croquet where the teachers didnt hold back evencould ever be. Their work is seriously incredible. I feel honoured tothough I have been kind about them today.have been able to represent Lower School as Head Boy, but this yearFinally, and most importantly, making fun of Tanny, the Head Boy.wouldnt have run so smoothly without the amazing prefect team. Honestly, thank you everybody for the amazing 6 years. My advice to the Year 7s would be to take on any opportunity that is given to you and dont, under any circumstance, let the teachers win at croquet! Nathaniel Clewlow. Head Boy of Lower School 2021-2022 Lucy Chadwick. Head Girl of Lower School 2021-2022 The College main Speech Day began with the Headmasters address to the academic prize winners and their families. It was good to return to the atmospheric Big School Hall to celebrate academic success. It was lovely to see previous members of Lower School, now grown, collect their prizes. The Headmaster also celebrated the academic excellence of our top subject performing pupils from Year Seven and Eight.Yr 7 Kiri Kilgannon Computer Science, Music Megan Pritchard History Harry Wyke Mathematics Joseph Whale Religious Studies Isobel Philbin Spanish Ellie Winn Art, DT, English, Latin, French, Geography, Science, and RSYr 8 Mini Uras-Garvin Art Eoghan Clements Computer Science Florence SweeneyDT Sophie GlinosEnglish Nathaniel Clewlow Geography Hugo Moore History Hi everyone. My name is Tanny. I did it! 6 years here. Now I am done. ItSeren Garratt Latin feels weird knowing that I will never really come into this building for aLucy Chadwick Maths and RS proper lesson again. I remember my very first time coming here, on myCesca Algar-Pattinson French taster day. My Buddy for the day was Chris Astbury. I rememberEmilia OMahoney Spanish walking into the classroom and just feeling instantly welcomed. Mr.Tabby Kimber Music Thomas, who was the Year 3 teacher, welcomed me in, introduced meMonty Cripps Science to everyone and I was quite surprised at how well everyone got on with each other, even though there were people two years youngerThe Year 8 pupils have performed exceptionally well in the English than them in the same room. Everybody just. gelled together. AnybodySpeaking Board Examinations. The examiners were very complimentary could start a conversation with anybody. It was friendly. I rememberabout the standard this year.going away and thinking that it must have just been an act, put on to impress me. Honestly, there was not any need to as soon as I foundThere were many Pass and Merit awards. out we did not have to eat in the same place as we did P.E. When I joined, everything was just like my taster day. Everything was so open.Distinction Awards were presented to:- No barriers, no cliques, just people. Even the teachers did not feel likeHarriet Jones Florence SweenyCesca Algar-PattinsonBig Scary People. Except Mr. Dilks. All of it was so refreshing to be in.Eoghan Clements Lucy ChadwickNathaniel ClewlowSeeing as my class was only 4 people, it was pretty important to all get along, because if not, youd be stuck with them for the next week in aMs. Rogers spearheads our enrichment programme, setting weekly more-or-less empty room.challenges to inspire and stretch. A Lower School wide Poetry Competition saw an outstanding number of entries.'