b"THE ELLESMERIAN 124FootballU12Summary of Resultserrors and gave the ball away too easily to give us any chance of Sir John Talbot's School - Lost15competing. A disappointing day but we dusted ourselves down and Oldham Hulme Grammar Schools - Lost04worked hard in training to improve our level. Oswestry School Boys-U13B - Won43 Liverpool College - Lost08After a slow start, we started to settle and finished the half on top. Abbey Gate College - Lost1 4Second half we transformed as a team and dominated possession andterritory but couldn't quite snatch a goal despite several very good It was a tricky season for the U12s. Having had quite a bit of time outchances. The effort was amazing from every player. Unfortunately, a of football and playing schools that were mainly two term footballcouple of simple errors proved costly and the score line flattered the schools made it very challenging, so the term was about developmentOldham Hulme. The improvement was brilliant and playing two and we worked hard in training to try and get the team up to speed.schools who have both been training and playing football since This showed in many of the performances where, when we stuck toSeptember has been a tall order.the tactics, we showed some excellent play. It was a season of what ifs but there is clear potential amongst the Having had our first game cancelled it was going to be challengingsquad and the support each member of the team gives to each other playing a side which has been together since last September. Weis reward enough. It has been a difficult year to get back into the swing started slowly and the SJT took advantage. We looked a little rustyof things, but, credit to the boys, they have worked hard in each and finished the half 3-0 down. We had started to show we could playtraining session and listened closely to the coaching at all times. some football but it was a steep learning curve. The second half proved more fruitful as we worked ourselves into the game andIf they can keep on improving both during and outside of the football enjoyed far more possession. We managed to score a goal, which wasseason, then there is clear potential and success within the squad, reward for our effort throughout the match, but went down 5-1 inwhich clearly is the goal for the whole team. The performance in parts the end. A good start since we havent played in over 2 years and allhave been excellent and with perseverance and dedication we will get 18 players in the squad got game time. there. If we can continue to show the improvements we made in each game across the seasons to come our performances will be great. It was terrible weather and extremely cold conditions but the Many thanks must go to the parents who supported throughout the term. Liverpool seemed more intent to play. There is a lesson there for mental fortitude. The opposition was good but we made too manyILW"