b'THE ELLESMERIAN 108Girls HockeyU12Summary of Resultsworkwas displayed, moving the ball early and looking for the free The Kings School, Chester- Lost03players, which was pleasing to see as this had been a focus in Packwood Haugh - Cancelledpractice. Wolverhampton Grammar School - Cancelled Adcote - PostponedThe continued enthusiasm displayed by the girls was brilliant. With Adcote - Won21so many wanting to play we had to rotate the team selection from Bedstone College- Won80match to match in order to give players at least half a match of Packwood Haugh- Cancelledgame time per fixture. Rydal Penrhos- Cancelled Moreton Hall- Drew00Bad weather dictated that the following two fixtures werecancelled.The season was rounded off with a difficult 0-0 draw The Year 7 girls were raring to go as the Hockey season got underwith Moreton Hall, which was a fair result as both teams played way and this showed in their first game, which was played with lotsvaliantly. of enthusiasm and enjoyment. They were up against some tough opposition in the form of The Kings School, Chester, but everythingCSDwas to play for at half time when the score was still 0-0.However, energy sapped in the second half and Ellesmere eventually went down 3-0 in the second half, but important lessons had been learned that would be invaluable later in the season.An unfortunate run of cancellations due to Covid meant that the next fixture would not be played until 9thNovember where Ellesmere came out on top with a 2-1 victory over Adcote School.Some great hockey and teamwork was displayed by both sides.It was pleasing to see the girls put into practice within a match situation the skills we had been working on during training. Then came the girls best result of the season on 13thNovember, beating Bedstone 8-0.The team set the standard earlyby scoring the first goal within the first three minutes of play. Superb team'