b'THE ELLESMERIANSport - The Academies 164 GolfIts also great to hear that former Ellesmere College Golf Academy students are progressing with their golf after leaving the college. Claudia Hastings is currently at university in the USA where she is gaining some notable success in her golfing career, and Charlie Ashbrook is looking to turn Professional towards the end of the 2023 season.ARThe Ellesmere College Golf Academy looks to be gaining even more momentum after a successful 2021-2022 year, which saw the academy rise from a position of 24th to an amazing 5th in the ISGA National rankings. These rankings are taken from all the independent schools and colleges from around the United Kingdom. 2021-2022 results Include: A comfortable win against the Shropshire and Herefordshire under 18s Boys team. Winning the ISGA Regional Final. Reaching the ISGA National Matchplay Final at Formby Golf Club. Jonjo Ashbrook winning the individual competition in the ISGT Northern Schools Open at Carden Park. Ellesmere College qualifying for the ISGT National Final at Dundonald Links Golf Club, Scotland. Jonjo Ashbrook winning the individual competition and Charlie Ashbrook finishing third in the ISGT National Final. Charlie Ashbrook having a top ten finish in the very prestigious HMC singles tournament at the Berkshire Golf Club. Charlie Ashbrook third in the ISGT regional final at Preston Golf Club. Charlie Boys third in the net competition in the ISGA Scottish Open at Gullane Golf Club. These are just a few of the successes from the year. Ellesmere College also went through the season with an unbeaten record in all friendly matches.This coming year we will be competing in all the ISGA tournaments and hoping to climb the National ranking even higher. We have already had a victory in the ISGA match play area round 1 match against Oswestry School, competed in the Welsh Invitational at St Pierre, and travelled up to Northumberland to play in the British Schools North East Links Trophy.The academy has also grown in numbers; we now have fourteen academy members that travel regularly to Hill Valley Golf Club for on-course practice, and meet on a Tuesday afternoon on the Ellesmere Course for short game practice.'