b'THE ELLESMERIAN 60The Combined Cadet Force Easter Camp 2022 We returned to Dundonnell in North West Scotland for the first time in three years for our Easter Camp 2022. It was, however, touch and go. Restrictions on accommodation and social distancing looked to have put paid to our chances of going, but on the morning of D Dayrestrictions were magically lifted and we were given the green light. The party consisted of the usual officers and instructors and, of course, the one and only Dave Escott, our chef. We took with us 12 Lower Sixth Form cadets on what turned out to be another fantastic week of winter mountaineering. The group had the usual day of winter training on the local peaks on Day 1. The next day saw an ascent of the iconic Stac Pollaidh by all the climbing groups. This is a unique location, but unfortunately the weather and sea level cloud cover meant that the stunning views from the summit and ridge were available only on souvenir postcards. That evening Dave served up the usual spectacular meal for our Dinner Night with Cdt Sgt Drew Murdoch proposing the LoyalToast (as the youngest cadet), just as he had done three years previously! The next morning it was then time to go off on the three-day overnight expedition. The instructors decided to chase the snowy conditions and the group headed south to the Cairngorms. This proved to be an inspired decision and a stunning three days was enjoyed by all. The excitement of being back and able to host another of Ellesmeres Easter Camp, more than half a century since the first one, was palpable and the cadets responded superbly. They were exceptional both on and off the mountain and a genuine pleasure to be with. After some discussion The Axe awarded to The Best Cadet on Camp was jointly presented to Zoe Mabaquiao Lennox and Sam Appleby. My thanks to all those who made this event possible.Lt Col Martin Clewlow'