b'THE ELLESMERIAN 93Rugby - U15Coming into the season there wasnt a huge amount of expectation asheads up and their perseverance was rewarded with a penalty in front it was just nice to be back playing rugby again after the group missedof the posts. Josh Williams stepped up and composed himself to slot out on the whole U14 season. The boys from the off were veryover the kick giving us a 20-18 lead. There was still a tie left, which we focused and driven in wanting to succeed. Our first match was againstneeded to focus for and not give away silly penalties. In the dying Wilmslow, who werent able to cope with our physicality and we cameminutes the pack dug deep for an Uppingham scrum and stole the ball away with a 61-0 win. against the head, which George Owen gladly kicked off play: cue the celebrations. Bishop Veseys came not long after, with a few injuries From here we knew matches would get more difficult, the first of thosepicked up from the Uppingham match, we were a bit out of sorts. An being against Old Swinford Hospital, who gave us a stiff contest but ourinjury for Eddie Pytches that required a stretcher unsettled the boys, hunger shone through with a 27-17 win. but they fought back to a 24-24 draw; and thankfully Eddie was ok and there was no lasting injury.Trent College away came next the first match in the Cup and were shell shocked in the first 20 minutes when we broke away to a 20-0Next up came Newcastle Under Lyne in the last 16 of the Cup. We lead thanks to some tries from Harry Jackson. Trent struggled to gethad some unavailability with Harry Jackson (concussion) and Jed into the game and lapses at the final whistle gave them a few tries butMatthews (dislocated shoulder), but we went into the match confident. ended with a 38-10 win. The match didnt start off the best and Ellesmere suffered back-to-back tries after having applied a lot of pressure to Newcastle without Our next 3 games against Adams Grammar, Rydal, and Calday allreward. Another try followed but back to back tries from Luke Rossow ended in comprehensive results: 54-5, 49-15 and 43-5. From here weput us back to 12-21 at half time. Newcastle scored not long after half welcomed Loughborough Grammar school in the 3rd round in thetime and, despite our best efforts and gaining a try back, we were cup after receiving a bye in round two. The forwards, led by Captainunable to recover and lost 26-17.Harvey Leonard, set the platform for the match which allowed George Owen to pull the strings with the backs and execute opportunities. TheThe team were fantastic from start to finish during the season and all match ended 55-17 and, with the St Anselms match unfortunatelydeserve praise for a successful season. Harvey Leonard was a fantastic cancelled, our next match was Uppingham away in the cup. captain throughout and led a hungry group of forwards from Luke Rossow to Henry Appleby, whose engine never stopped. George Owen Uppingham proved to be a match where the whole squad showedhelped to orchestrate the backs with Harry Jackson being a key figure how much they were willing to dig in. The conditions were appalling foralongside Josh Williams and Thomas Dyson. They should all be very both teams and the match ebbed and flowed, with Uppingham takingproud of their efforts as it was a memorable season for all involved.the lead 18-17 with around 5 minutes to play. The boys kept their MTH'