b'THE ELLESMERIANSixth FormLet not the46opportunity pass, for it may not return Kuai Tong, Western Han DynastySeptember 2021 hailed a near normal return to life at Ellesmere in theThe Wine Appreciation Society were able to meet again in the Lent Sixth Form. We were still having virtual assemblies but all were lookingTerm and this proved so popular it was restricted to just 22 Upper Sixth forward to the gradual resumption of sport and culture and thepupils, which Miss Zoe Evans (OE 2004) was delighted to deliver again opportunity to be more visible to the rest of the College community. after the enforced break. Our prefects resumed some of their daily responsibilities and our new members were able to quickly settle into the routine of life at Ellesmere. With an even sharper focus on safeguarding and mental health issues it was good to see the continuation of MHESS, with 13 Lower Sixth pupils completing the Mental Health Awareness course in October. Activities were now fully up and running with the exception of House Singing, which remained a casualty of Covid in February. Assemblies were moved to Big School as our Sixth Form was too large to comfortably fit into the Art Centre and tutor groups became mixed for PSHE sessions on Thursdays to reflect the need to share experiences and views in preparation for life after Ellesmere. Other notable events were the excellent assembly organised by the History Department on Holocaust Memorial Day, the resumption of theThere was also a marked increase in the number of academic societies Remembrance Day service on Terraces, and the return of Christmasthat the Sixth Form wanted to run. This was very encouraging and was dinner and Carol Services. Parents meetings were still online and othersomething made possible by the sharing of the Wednesday afternoon events were limited, but a cautious approach allowed the first term togames slot which had been introduced because of Covidone good pass without any major disruption.thing to come out of it!'