b'THE ELLESMERIAN The retiring Music Captains, Gabriel McKay and Nina Fisher have done a sterling job this year. There are exceptional examples of artwork around the Lower School41building reflecting the hard work that goes on all year round. The following awards were made in recognition of pupils who have offered an exceptional contribution to Art:Yr 7: Joseph Whale Douglas Logan Kynan Wheatley JonesBella NewYr 8:Tabby Kimber Tilly Leonard Nathaniel ClewlowHattie Jones Florence SweeneyDaniel Thelwell and the Victrix Ludorum was Poppy Sutton. A number of special awards were presented at the end of the KS3 Last Obviously, the Chapel is at the Heart of our Christian School.Assembly. Henry Dawson was awarded the Scarisbrick Shield this year. This award is given to a dedicated pupil working in the field of Father Philip would like to acknowledge the Chapel Prefects valuedGeography. The CNA cup for Leadership was presented to Tilly Leonard. service this year, who really did a wonderful job. George Gration and Gabriel McKay were awarded with their Chapel Service Awards. I also had the pleasure to explain a new special award. The Clewlow family have been long-time supporters of artistic performance at the We have had another successful year of sport in Lower School. ManyCollege. Mr. Clewlow donated this cup in remembrance of his late pupils take part in extra sports outside of the normal school day too.mother Janet Clewlow, who loved to visit the College and listen to her grandchildren play music here. The award recognizes the overall From a competitive standpoint Chess has grown considerably incontribution made in music by a member of our Lower School school. This is partly due, Im sure, to very competitive staff players inCommunity. Mrs Pat Wood, former Music Mistress at the College, Lower School. Mr. Atherton and Mr. Dilks do not like to be beaten!presented the award to Florence Sweeny. Florence also superbly played a piece called Moon Beams for us. Eoghan Clements was Ellesmere House Champion for Brownlow in the Inter House event, beating Alex Hu from Heywood in the final.KS2 Key Stage 2 celebrated the year in a Final Assembly held in the Arts Centre. Once again, it was lovely to welcome parents to join us. The Key Stage 2 section of Lower School is indeed very studious. A number of Year 6 pupils were awarded Excellence Awards for Academic subjects.ENGLISH Amelie HolzgartnerMATHEMATICS Annie Hutchon SCIENCE Esther Gration HISTORY Peter Brown GEOGRAPHY Morgan Garratt R.S.Nat Johnson FRENCH Amelie Holzgartner MUSIC Nat Johnson ART Eva Ford Both boys have a medal and Eoghan was awarded a shield.DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Peter Brown The Lower School swimmers have performed exceptionally well.The Ellesmere Swimming Club have featured highly both at school and National level. Shooting is enjoyed by many pupils in Lower School.On Speech Day a number of competition cups were awarded too.Pupils have also enjoyed competing in the major sports of rugby, football, cricket, tennis, netball, and hockey. The overview of individual and team sport successes can be found in the sport sections of the Ellesmerian. However, the over-riding message for all who compete under the badge of Ellesmere is that we play with good spirit and in a fair and sporting way. We play hard and to the best of our ability and respect our opposition.Sports Day was a lovely affair this year. KS2 and 3 had separate events. For KS3 Victor Ludorum for the meet was Adam Crompton and Victrix Ludorum was Cesca Algar Pattinson. The Victor Ludorum for KS2 was'