b'www.ellesmere.comTechnical Theatre DanceThe range of people who work in a theatre is a very broadBallet and Contemporary dance lessons are available on an extra-spectrum and Technical Theatre is critical to behind the scenescurricular basis every week with our qualified dance and drama operations of all dramatic productions and events. Developingteachers: the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts and the proper vocabulary and skills off-stage is as essential to aImperial Society of the Teachers of Dancing. One of our teachers production as its actors.works at county schools giving bespoke LAMDA and dance tuition We endeavour to introduce students to basic technical operationand is the Principle of Shropshire Performing Arts. and design for the theatre working in both classroom andHere at Ellesmere College students can take dance lessons in practical settings to gain an understanding of the technology anddifferent styles during the term and work towards their examinations. craftsmanship for the production of theatre and events.House PlaysThe objective of Technical Theatre at Ellesmere is to provide theAt the beginning of the year we host the Competitive House Plays. student with an elementary understanding of the process ofThese are four student-led plays at Senior School level and three realising a production, from the design through to the building,House plays at Lower School level, rehearsed throughout the year running, and striking. The student should gain a workingand performed to a highly enthusiastic audience and a panel of knowledge of theatre terminology as well as a familiarity with basicjudges. These plays are one of the high points of the school year for theatre tools and techniques for scenery, paint, props, costumes,both Lower and Senior School and are thematic in nature. Over the lighting, audio, video, and stage management.last few of years the genres explored in Senior School have been Technical Theatre is offered at Ellesmere as part of the GCSE Dramaas diverse as Shakespeares comedies, Fawlty Towers, and classic and A-Level Theatre and Drama Course, as well as through themurder mysteries. For the Lower School they have devised work extracurricular activities such as Tech Club, public productions, andaround Horrible Histories and classic Pantomime tales.arts events. Tabor AcademyThe American Exchange LAMDAEllesmere College has operated a longstanding arts partnership The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) is thewith Tabor Academy in Massachusetts, based around a biennial largest Speech and Drama awarding body in the UK. Preparation toexchange of student drama productions that has been happening take LAMDA examinations is provided through specialist teachersnow for twenty years.as an additional extra in: acting, devised drama, mime, musicalFor more information on the Tabor Academy please visit:theatre, verse and prose, public speaking, and readingwww.taboracademy.orgfor performance.All students are entered for LAMDA and English Speaking Board examinations annually allowing Years 12 and 13 students to gain UCAS points depending on their grades.'