b'www.ellesmere.comScholarships and BursariesAs a general guidance for considering any Arts Scholarship at theDrama ScholarshipCollege, a candidateto be worthy of considerationwill attend an assessment audition and in the case of music have passed theA Drama Scholarship or award is based purely on merit. An award appropriate grade of examination. Further details can be found incan be worth up to 50% of the fees (boarding or day) and is the separate Scholarship and Awards booklet. made on the basis of an assessment and an interview. Where appropriate, other skills can also be taken into account and a Music Scholarship variety of other scholarships and all-rounder awards are available.A Music Scholarship or exhibition is based purely on merit.Students can apply for standard scholarships to theScholarships can be worth up to 50% of the fees (boarding Drama Department.or day) and made on the basis of an assessment of ability.A variety of scholarships and all-rounder awards are available. Students can apply for standard scholarships to the As with all candidates for places at the College, we need to be Music Department as well as to the following Sixth Form confident when offering places that prospective pupils can thrive Scholarships offered: academically, so an academic and behavioural reference is an important part of any assessment. Walker Scholarship for MusicBursaries Mullock Scholarship for MusicOrgan Scholarship for Organ/Instrument Bursaries are best regarded as means-tested meritArt Scholarship awards below the standard of scholarship level. There are two aspects to the award of a bursary: an assessment of merit, An Art Scholarship or award is based purely on merit. An award canas outlined above, and an assessment of parental financial be worth up to 25% of the fees (boarding or day) and is made oncircumstances.the basis of an assessment of ability. Where appropriate, other skillsFor further information on awards and bursaries please contact the can also be taken into account and a variety of other scholarshipsCollege Admissions Department.and all-rounder awards are available.Students can apply for standard scholarships to the Art Department as well as to the following Scholarship offered: Adlard Scholarship for Art'