b'06Art at EllesmereThe Art and Design department at Ellesmere is committed to offering a stimulating environment for a range of Art practices.In the department we aim to give the pupils the opportunity to be part of a deeply rewarding subject that will hopefully become an interest for life. In the department we believe that creativity is Siobhan Phillips a vital part of education.Head of Art There are facilities for painting, drawing, printmaking, textiles and mixed media. The traditional developments of observational and practical skills are taught in lessons throughout the key stages. The emphasis is definitely on the individual: students are The emphasisencouraged to find their own voice within a department that is definitely onallows them to grow as an individual. Skill development, creative the individual:thinking and independent learning are integral and pupils students aredevelop these through their artwork using a wide range of media encouraged toprocesses and methods. find their own voice within a department that allows them to grow as a creative student.'