b'www.ellesmere.comWhat do the courses cover? GCSE Art and Design provides students with a wide range of creative, exciting and stimulating opportunities to explore We aim to introduce students to traditional and contemporarytheir interests in ways that are both personally relevant and artists to give them a broad appreciation of the visual world.developmental in nature. This two unit specification enables Students have the opportunity to have their work entered forstudents to develop their ability to engage in the processes of Art competitions throughout the year. A notable competition that ourand Designto build creative skills through learning and doing, to students have been involved in is held at The Lowry every year.develop imaginative and intuitive ways of working and to develop Students also are selected to exhibit their work at the prestigiousan understanding of media, materials and technologies.annual National Art Exhibition held at the College every year and the Chester Arts Fair, which is held annually at the racecourse Ellesmere is aware that the Arts is not the only factorin Chester. when considering joining the College. The academic timetableis carefully constructed to allow those pupils with artistic interests Students at Ellesmere have gone on to study Art and Design andto be able to balance studies with practice andmake a career for themselves within the creative industries. Inrehearsal commitments.recent years students have gained places at Glasgow School of Art, Central St. Martins, London School of Fashion, Chicago SchoolThere is careful monitoring of academic progress to ensure the of Art, Parsons School of Visual Arts New York, Parsons School ofpupil is coping with the demands of both academia and their Art, Paris, and Berlin School of Fashion. artistic endeavours.A-Level and International Baccalaureate Art and Design, requires students to develop their ability to show a range of skills such as:Independence of mind in developing their own ideasAn interest and enthusiasm for art and designThe experience of working with a range of media,including traditional and new media An awareness of different roles, functions, audiencesand consumers of art and design'