b'08Drama at EllesmereThe key skills that are gained through Drama at the College are not just linked to acting and theatre, but help in the development of highly transferable life skills such as leadership, time management, confidence, presentation and communication skills.Drama at GCSERachel Schubert The first assessed piece of work is a devised piece where the Director of Drama students create their own play for performance, taking into consideration their chosen skill, whether that be acting, lighting, sound or costume. Additionally, the group are expected to understand and show an awareness of all elements of theatre craft within their final production. They also perform a scripted piece and a final written exam, based on the set text of DNA by Dennis Kelly. Drama helps inA Level Drama and Theatrethe developmentStudents select their own individual monologues and, as a group, of highlyselect an appropriate scripted piece that they create to a high performance standard. In the second year their own artistic transferable lifeambitions are pursued within the devised piece. This is a popular skills such assection of the course and many audience members look forward to it as an original piece that highlights the students innovative and leadership, timeimaginative theatrical ideas. The students also explore Lysistrata management,by Aristophanes, Equus by Peter Shaffer, as well as studying Methodologies of Theatre Practitioners.confidence, presentation and communication skills.'