b'www.ellesmere.comArts Showcase CRE8The Arts Showcase is performed in the Michaelmas Term andPerformed in the Lent Term, CRE8 embraces the many gives students who take peripatetic lessons at the College aand varied talents of our students from across all key platform to showcase their talents to parents and peers in thestages who come together for an evening of creativity Arts Centre. From LAMDA dancing and drama, to singing andand entertainment.instrument performances, students of all ages are encouraged to take part in this fabulous evening of creative arts. This event gives the Gold Arts Awards students from Years 10-13 an opportunity to lead an Arts related project themselves, the CRE8 evening is designed to showcase the broad range of talents the students have across the creative spectrum at the College, and allows the students to try out new material and develop their skills and confidence as young performers. Performances range from singing, poetry, drama, music, and dance - every student has the opportunity to share their work across the Arts.Ellesmere CreatesEllesmere Creates is a student-led website offering the chance for our students to share their ideas and experiments in expressing themselves and being creative. Some of the work is finished and polished, but some represents work in progress, the trialling of ideas, or experiments with themes, materials and form. We believe that everyone can be creative: it is an important Ellesmere College sees thepart of every person, but it must be nurtured over time if it is to grow and flourish and at Ellesmere our vision of every child as an individual is arts as central to learning incentral to everything we do.all subject areas, to raisingEach individualat Ellesmere is encouraged to develop their own imagination and creativity in whatever form they wish and we see awareness of other culturesthis as vital to their success in every area of school life. As an Artsmark PlatinumSchool, we believe that every young person should have the and to the development ofopportunity to experience the richness of art and culture and to get the whole person. involved in the creative arts themselves.Arts Council England'