b'www.ellesmere.comIn addition to a busy concert schedule, the Chapel Choir lead allOpportunitiesSenior School services including the beautiful Candlelit Carol Services. Students are invited to take part in Chamber Choir and Coro Lux basedCollege musicians participate successfully in regional music festivals and on their ability, allowing them to refine their skills, perform moreare encouraged to perform on a regular basis in assemblies, concerts complex repertoire and work towards securing choral scholarshipsand in collaboration with other schools. at university. The Lower School Choir, sometimes divided into KS2An expert team of instrumental teachers covering classical and and KS3,provides opportunities for our younger students to performcontemporary fields ensure that students make excellent progress major choral works whilst making a valuable musical theatre repertoirein their studies. Ellesmere is a long-established centre for ABRSM meaning that musical enrichment is accessible from the very start ofexaminations and pupils are encouraged to take examinations as an the childs journey at Ellesmere. Students are also welcome to join theaid to their musical development. Workshops and master-classes, led Ellesmere College Choral Society, an ensemble that brings the schoolby professional musicians, take place at the school, and we regularly and local community together to perform major choral works whilepresent interactive performance talks on different aspects and stylesmaking a valuable contribution to local charities. Recent performanceof music.have included Carmina Burana (Orff), the Mozart Requiem and HandelsMusic scholars, including an organ scholar, make an invaluable Messiah. These performance are often in collaboration with thecontribution to all aspects of music-making at the College. In addition Ellesmere Sinfoniaa community orchestra started at the College into performing, scholars are encouraged to assist and lead rehearsals, 2016.All of our choirs have the opportunity to perform together at thecompose music for the ensembles and even take responsibility for annual Five Choirs Concert.putting on their own events to supplement the concert diary. Music and Irrespective of ability and experience, every member of senior schooldrama work closely together, often collaborating to produce musicals takes part in the annual House Singing Competition which givesand showcase events.students the chance to sing with band accompaniment. Recent themesMusicians have the opportunity to record CDs and tour Europe. have included The Beatles, Disney and Queen. In addition to a suite of purpose-built practice-rooms and a digital Instrumental Music composition suite, the College affords students the opportunity to make Instrumentalists have the opportunity to perform in a variety ofuse of three Kawai grand pianos, a custom-made harpsichord and the ensembles at both Lower and Senior School level. There are twoColleges three organsincluding the world famous Schulze Organ.orchestras, woodwind, brass and string ensembles, a jazz band andStudents study music in the classroom throughout Lower School, and opportunities for students to develop their ensemble skills within duetsthen have the opportunity to opt for GCSE Music, A-level Music and IB and trios. Instrumental staff feed into the development of ensemblesMusic at Standard or Higher Level.but students are encouraged to take responsibility, sometimesIn recent years, students from Ellesmere have gone on to study music at conducting the ensembles, allowing them to develop importantOxford, Cardiff, Liverpool, Guildhall School of Music, Royal Welsh College leadership skills. of Music, Leeds College of Music and Birmingham Conservatoire.'