b'04Artsmark Platinum Arts AwardArtsmark is the Arts Council Englands flagshipThe Arts Award is a range of national qualifications that programme which celebrates the arts and culturalsupports anyone aged up to 25 to grow as artists and arts provision in a school and Ellesmere has been awardedleaders, inspiring them to connect with and take part in Platinum status for our excellent arts provision for overthe wider arts world through taking challenges in an art 3 years running. Ellesmere was the first independentform of their choice. school in the country to attain the level of Platinuma newly created category by the Arts Council England forAt Ellesmere, Arts Award is offered through our Thursday afternoon Ellesmere that demonstrated a commitment to the Artsactivity programme to students from Years 10 to 13 by our team of to students and the community above and beyond Goldteachers who have qualified to act as advisors for the programme. Award Level. By progressing through the Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels students get to: Extract from awarding report: You have a determination to deliverdiscover the enjoyment of creating and participating in arts activities very high quality arts education in all the key art subjects, including dance and media technology; you see the arts as central to learningexperience and review arts events in all subject areas, to raising awareness of other cultures and to thedevelop creative and communication skills that are essential fordevelopment of the whole person; you nurture artistic talent in allsuccess in 21st century life students but equally value excellence and encourage the progression towards professional success in the arts; you value and rewardexplore the work of artists and craftspeople and gain insights intoinitiative, independent learning and leadership; you have a verythe professional arts world talented and motivated staff and a very dynamic programme gain experience and knowledge to help progress into furtherof development.education and employment.For the Bronze Award, students set themselves the challenge of learning new skills or developing existing ones in art forms as diverse as music, drama, photography, creative writing, painting and drawing, textiles, origami, set design, technical theatre and dance. The more challenging Silver Arts Award entails students taking responsibility for planning and delivering an arts leadership project for example: arts workshops for children from local primary schools. The top level of Gold Arts Award challenges students to demonstrate their commitment through extended arts practice of two art forms, researching and delivering presentations and debating on a controversial arts subject, taking sole responsibility for an arts leadership project and undertaking work experience.'