b'www.ellesmere.comIntroductionThe Arts at Ellesmere are present within the Colleges everyday life. We pride ourselves in that there is always an area - whether that is Art, Music, Drama or Media Studies - where students can nurture their skills and artistically thrive alongside their academic journey.The rich and vibrant cultural life promoted by our Artsmark programme is essential to the spiritual and creative health of our community and we celebrate the fact that our busy artistic calendar allows every student to integrate with a broad range of ages and social groups to create plays, concerts and exhibitions across the disciplines.Most importantly, we urge everyone to play their part and reap the benefits. The range of tastes and abilities catered for is as broad as it gets with lots of choice for everyone to take part - there is always plenty going on at the College.ContentsIntroduction 03Artsmark Platinum and Arts Award .04Art Showcase and CRE8 05Art at Ellesmere . 06Drama at Ellesmere . 08Media at Ellesmere 10Music at Ellesmere 12 Scholarships and Bursaries. 15'