b'www.ellesmere.comStudents are taught how to deconstruct texts and critique thedeveloping creative and technical skills in any chosen media form, implied ideologies they contain, considering the influence theseas well as completing the Arts Award accreditation at Gold, Silver or may have on groups and individuals. They develop skills of writingBronze Levels.extended and detailed analysis as well as making individualEnrichmentpresentations and taking part in group seminars.Coursework modules at all levels allow students to carry outWe offer a wide variety of enrichment activities and cultural trips research and planning and then to create their own mediathroughout the year, such as visits to the BBC in Manchester productions in a way which reflects real media practice inSalford Quays, the Bradford Media Museum, the British Film the wider world. Media students particularly appreciate theInstitute and Sky News in London.opportunities to follow personal interests which the courseworkWe also maintain contacts with many OEs in the creative industries offers; many international students opt to explore topics fromranging from Bryan Oates, the now-retired Oscar winning film within their own culture. editor, to Chris Bevan, a film production graduate who now has Students can opt to take an introductory course in Media Studieshis own production company and runs regular workshops for our in Year 9 and then may, if they wish, continue on to the OCR GCSEstudents. Many of our parents also offer support and advice from course in Years 10 and 11.Progression can then continue intotheir own experiences of working in media businesses.the Cambridge International A Level in Year 12, although manyAfter Ellesmerestudents take up the subject for the first time at this stage and areMedia-based courses are a popular choice at university, and many not disadvantaged by not having taken the GCSE. students have been successful in gaining places to study Film and Productions may take the form of photographic shoots and editingTelevision Production, Journalism, Marketing, Advertising, Popular in Photoshop to make film posters, magazines or advertising, orMusic, and other related courses at top universities in the UK and filming and editing sequences in Adobe Premiere to create filmabroad.trailers, documentaries, short films or music videos. We set a highStudents going into other areas of academic study and careers find value on developing individual creativity as well as learning tothemselves well prepared to understand the role and influence respond to the demands of a set brief. of the media. They will also have developed skills in presentation, Media Activities Outside the Curriculum applying academic theory to real life situations, marketing and For those who choose not to take GCSE and A Level Media,promotion, and editorial writing and digital literacy.Thursday afternoon Arts Award Media offers the chance to experiment with making media of all kinds. Here the focus is on'