b'Leadership and Management QualificationBuilding Lower School presentation skillsIt was wonderful to see our younger students stepping up and presenting confidently to their younger peers about a hobbyor activity they enjoy - inspiring them to have a go!Ethan Harrison, Year 5, gave an excellent talk and demonstrationabout one of his favourite sports, golf, to the Year 3 class.He brought his clubs in and showed them how to putt, how to hold the clubs and talked about his recent tournaments!RAF Helicopter FlightAt the end of a great Michaelmas term, the Royal Air ForceOn the final flight, Mr Sweeney flew the helicopter in front cadets enjoyed a fantastic experience. All RAF cadets wereof the main College building for what can only be described fortunate enough to take advantage of the opportunityas an iconic moment, stunning a number of students who of an air experience flight in a helicopter. This great andwere watching from the grounds and within the boarding privileged opportunity was provided by helicopter pilothouses of the school.instructor Mr John Sweeney out of RAF Shawbury. Although opportunities to gain flying experience are Over the previous couple of years, opportunities for RAFbeginning to become available again, there are still limited cadets having flying experience have been scarce and theplaces accessible at cadet training facilities and the cadets were excited to enjoy their 20-minute flights aroundopportunity provided by Mr Sweeney and RAF Shawbury the school and local area. The cadets were amazed tohas been very much appreciated. We hope that this will see the helicopter coming into land on Parrys field at thebecome an annual opportunity for the RAF CCF cadets College and Mr Sweeney and his team did a great job inand the cadets have offered a big thank you to Mr Sweeney introducing the cadets to the aircraft and answering all for providing this opportunity. We are so happy that the their questions. students were able to end the term on such a highWith the safety brief completed and in groups of three, and we hope they continue to enjoy the enriching they were whisked away in the aircraft and circled experiences myself and Pilot Officer Spencer have inaround the local area; some being lucky enough to store for them over the rest of the year.see their homes. Flt Off J Haycock, RAF Commanding OfficerEllesmere College Newsletter Summer 20229'