b'8:30In the News.8:308:30What everyone has been talking about. Liked by you and 354 othersIt was wonderful to see the whole school Liked by you and 610 others turn out for the bi-annual full school8:30 Ethan in Year 5 brought in his Golf photograph on the Terraces! Clubs to give our Year 3 students #LifeAtEllesmere #FullSchoolPhototgraph View All Comments2 HOUR AGO. SEE TRANSLATIONsome putting tips.#LifeReady #GillmanSoamesEllesmere College UK 8:30#GolfAtEllesmere #GolfAcademy 8:30View All Comments@ellesmerecoll #LowerSchool #ExcelAtEllesmere 2 HOUR AGO. SEE TRANSLATIONView All Comments2 HOUR AGO. SEE TRANSLATION Liked by you and 480 othersStudents bring Shakespeares works to life in English with their adaptations of Macbeth. #EnglishAtEllesmere #Shakespeare#Macbeth #HighPerformanceLearningView All Comments .2 HOUR AGO SEE TRANSLATIONLiked by you and 285 others Liked by you and 496 othersThe Ellesmere College FencingTeam were on point with their Well done to our NSCC chess players, recent tournamentlosing by just Nayeli (Y9) and Ben (Y11) who played one point on count back. against 7 other schools. Out of their 7 #FencingAtEllesmere #ModernPentathlongames, Nayeli won 4 and Ben won 3.#SportAtEllesmere #LifeReady #ChessAtEllesmere #ChessView All Comments #CocurricularActivities #LifeReady2 HOUR AGO. SEE TRANSLATION View All Comments2 HOUR AGO . SEE TRANSLATIONEllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college2'