b'Academic HPL: Helping students become Life ReadySince 2019, the College has adopted an approach to teaching called High Performance Learning (HPL) and in July 2021, after a rigorous accreditation process, becamea member of the Fellowship of World Class Schools. This places Ellesmere at the heart of an international network of ambitious and innovative schools and ensures that teachers can liaise with colleagues around the globe through a network of online Teachmeets. Last summer, six of our students addressed the annual HPL conference at the University of Warwick and we have been invited to this years conference as guest speakers once more. HPL itself is a straightforward approach and is founded on the belief that all students can do better if they are given the chance to become more empathetic, hard-working and mentally agile. If opportunities todevelop empathy, hard-work and agility - known as Values, Attributes and Attitudes - are offered in a systematic, coherent manner from LowerWhat HPL has done though, is place these opportunities in School to the Sixth Form, then all students will benefit asa framework to ensure that all students across the College they become more resilient, better suited to thinking onhave the chance to challenge and push themselves. their feet and better equipped to work in a team whether that be within or without the classroom; after all, hard workOver the past two and a half years, a lot has changed in and agility are as important on the playing field as theyour classrooms but the HPL approach to teaching meant are in the classroom. Alongside giving students the chancethat the resilience and hard work that remote learning to have a more positive outlook, HPL also focusses ondemands were already central to departments planning. systematically developing skills that are central to academicWith the return to in-person lessons, so the impact of HPL success such as analysis, linking, meta-thinking and creativity.can be seen across the campus. Displays remind students When these skills - labelled by academic researchers asof the HPL terminology, lessons are tailored to develop Advanced Cognitive Performance Characteristics - areanalysis and foster creativity and weekly HPL prize-draws, taught explicitly across the College, then students can beginas pioneered by the Economics Department, are held to to see patterns in their learning and apply skills learnt in onerecognise specific examples of HPL success. Certificates area when confronted by a challenge in another. Thus, theare awarded in assemblies too and members of Common approach to teaching encouraged by HPL helps studentsRoom meet in HPL Cluster Groups that see teachers from become better equipped to deal with lifes challenges.many different departments coming together to share Being part of the Fellowship of World Class Schoolsideas and plan activities. In lessons, the creativity that HPL requires self-reflection and the accreditation process servedencourages manifests itself in all manner of ways with to highlight just how many opportunities were alreadystudents often taking the chance to respond to seemingly in place to develop agility, hard-work and empathy. Dukedry academic content in wonderfully diverse ways.of Edinburgh, CCF, English Speaking Board, Arts Award,All told, HPL is a simple, sensible and powerful approach the extensive sporting provision, Model United Nationsthat will equip our students for success so that when they to name but a few, give Ellesmerians so many ways ofleave Ellesmere for their bright futures they are life ready.developing a positive approach. Few students emerge fromDaniel Bottom, Head of Englishexpos without a tale or two of thinking on their feet and overcoming adversity! EllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college6'