b'LeadershipLeadership and Management Qualification In 2018 we introduced the ILM Level 3 in Leadership andSupport is available from Mr Garratt who delivers theManagement, an internationally recognised qualificationtaught element of the course and guides completion,for line managers, team leaders and supervisors whichthough students do generally complete the processoffers the perfect development opportunity for aspiringwith impressive levels of independence.team leaders in whatever context they will be operating.Now in its fourth year, this innovative course has enabledAn ILM level 3 in Leadership and Management is unit-basedover 50 students to gain a range of key management skillsand, at Ellesmere, we have produced a bespoke schemethat can be put into practice, build leadership capabilities that suits our particular cohort, with the focus being onand bring out leadership potential, which may be of benefit establishing effective teams, looking at leadership theory in College roles such as stepping forward to be a Prefect and using this in practice, and on leading and motivatingor a sports team captain. It also strengthens employment a team effectively. Students produce ten short writtenapplications, supports and enhances UCAS and other course assignments based on their understanding of leadershipapplications, professional development and career progression, theory and their practical application of it.and increases self-confidence. The course results in official A key part of the course is taking advice and guidance fromaccreditation which is useful across a range of employment, more senior leaders and applying it to their own situations,career and educational settings. as well as reflecting on their competencies and ways toWe are proud of our commitment to provide a wealth further develop. Generally, we take students who are of opportunities for students, both inside and outside the NCOs in the CCF, sports coaches and leaders and Scoutsclassroom. This provides another option for students to/ Girl Guiding leaders, but are open to those youngstersadd to their accomplishments, as part of the extra suiteworking in any level of responsibility for leading others. of co-curricular offerings we have at the College. We have designed the course as part of the activities programme, with sessions delivered across two Thursday afternoons, split between sessions (CCF etc) where they are using the skills learned and then reflecting on them. EllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college8'