b'Ever since Middle School I have admired the UK educational system because of its rigour and high teaching standards, so, when a friend of mine from high school told me about the opportunity to apply for a scholarship to do my Sixth Form years here, I immediately jumped at the opportunity.Though many boarding schools seemed appealing to me at the time, what really made Ellesmere College stand out for me was the fact that, not only does it offer the IB programme, which is internationally renowned, but also because it focuses on so much more than just academics. As someone who loves being involved in as many activities as possible that can benefit my interests and also help me find new passions, I knew that this would be the place that would truly allow me to flourish. Though at first, it felt like a drastic transition to go from studying fifteen subjects to just six, I have come to greatly appreciate that I can now focus more on each individual subject I study. I am really enjoying my studies here, not only thanks to the amazing faculty who manage to make every lesson both informative and interactive, but also thanks to the many amazing people I have had the chance to become friends with. It is truly an amazing opportunity to be at an international school and be surrounded by so many people from different backgrounds who have a variety of interests. I have become part of Ellesmeres Drama Club, which has represented a greatIris Grigorasopportunity to rediscover my passion for acting and also develop an interest in technical theatre, specifically lighting design. Moreover, as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, I have picked up a new sport, netball, and also managed to continue volunteering for a student-run magazine. Following my Sixth Form years at Ellesmere, I hope to continue studying in the UK and pursue a Law degree, with hopefully a year abroad in France, so that I continue to gain more insights into global culture. The desire to challenge myself and to explore new opportunities were the main reasons why I decided to apply for the Headmasters Council Scholar Programme. It turned out to be the best decision I have ever made, as I got selected as oneof the scholars and I was given a chance to start a completely new chapter ofmy life. I chose Ellesmere College as a place where I would spend the most important part of my educational process because of the IB diploma course, schools architecture, and informative videos of teachers talking about their subjects on the school website. Funnily, I think some kind of fate played part in the whole situation as well. I first came in touch with Ellesmere College while attending an educational fair with my mother, in my home city, Tbilisi, in 2011, before I even knew about the HMC programme. I remember liking the school very much back then, so coming across it years later was a nice coincidence, which turned outlife-changing at the same time. Studying at Ellesmere College, and in the UK in general, has been a great experience so far. The IB diploma course has turned out to be rather enjoyable and refreshing. I also got to know myself better, as I was given many opportunities to explore different areas of interest, such as the Arts Award, several writing Davit Chankseliani competitions, Drama Club, UK Maths Challenge, etc. In my opinion, the best part of studying in the UK is the diversity - meeting new people, who all come from different places, and sharing experiences with them. It helps you to become an open-minded person with a global mindset, all while making new friends.I believe diversity is what unites us, so after Ellesmere College, I would like to study International Relations and Languages. I would like to explore the world, but I also plan to return to my country, Georgia, and utilize my knowledge there. I look forward to my remaining time at Ellesmere College and everything that comes after it.Ellesmere College Newsletter Summer 202215'