b'Captains of SchoolRobyn Welti, Head GirlSam Patmore, Head Boy Throughout my years at Ellesmere I have indulged in the manyI joined Ellesmere in 2014, all the way back in Year 6. opportunities that are on offer. The sheer range of events, Throughout my time here Ive attempted to get involved tours and activities has seen me eating far too much ice-creamas much as possible in all the school has to offer. Ive been on the beaches of Normandy and Spain, competing with thepart of the rugby team for as long as I can remember and choir for broadcast on BBC, climbing (and crying) up theI have had the privilege of being in the 1st XV for the past Cairngorms, and rolling in the mud on various CCF camps.two years, something that has always been a dream of Being involved in both the sporting and music side of mine. I help to run the schools Medical Society together Ellesmere has allowed me to see and form friendships with Robyn and have participated in the CCF since Year 9. between years, reinforcing the incredible sense of communityI am studying Biology, Chemistry and Maths at A level and of Ellesmere College. It has also meant I have been luckyam hoping to study Medicine at university next year. enough to compete in national competitions with bothAs the school is finally returning to normal after two years, Chamber Choir and the Senior XI hockey team. my main aim is to help those who may not have had the I am studying Biology, Chemistry and Music at A-level, withchance to benefit from the full Ellesmere experience.hopes to pursue a career in Medicine at university. HavingI believe that embracing all that the school has to received an Army Officer Scholarship earlier this year, offer is the best way to experience Ellesmere and Im looking forward to joining the military as a doctor afterwould encourage everyone to get involved in as many completing my degree. opportunities as they can.As we are on the route back to normality this year, it hasbeen an important goal of mine and Sams to continue Maddie and Dans legacy of bringing everyone together in true Ellesmerian spirit. It has been lovely to see the school coming back together in Chapel, assemblies and House events, and even more lovely to see peoples faces without masks.My personal aim is to be a good role model for younger students, and to encourage them to take as many opportunities as they have energy for. Pour effort into whatever makes you happy, and dont be afraid to put yourself forward for experiences, even if youre the only one.The opportunities and experiences would be nothing without being able to share them with others, so to the studentsand staff past and present, thank you! Its been a pleasure working with the Prefect team alongside Sam, and to allthe previous Captains of School, we are proud to followin your footsteps. Sam Patmore, Head Boy & Robyn Welti, Head GirlEllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college4'