Rugby Academy

'To identify and develop outstanding talent'

Our aim is to identify the rugby players from the region possessing the greatest potential to become a full time professional rugby player and beyond.


  • Ellesmere College Rugby Academy provides an environment where young rugby players can grow, develop and express themselves through their sport and academic studies.
  • The Academy offers young rugby players the opportunity to progress to elite level sport by providing them with the necessary tools such as skill development and peak physical conditioning that allows them to achieve excellence.


  • Ellesmere has the key ingredients for creating rugby excellence
  • An experienced and well structured coaching team
  • Level 3 qualified Academy Coach- rugby development & conditioning
  • Several out door pitches
  • Indoor sports hall training facility
  • State of the art fitness suite
  • A dedicated free weights gym

Rugby Safe 

Ellesmere College is committed to ensuring that player safety is the main priority. The school is an "RFU Affiliated" school and has been certified as 'rugby safe' as it meets their - and our - strict criteria. For more information please see our 'Rugby Safe' presentation below.



Ellesmere College Rugby Academy Brochure


Rugby Safe at Ellesmere College

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