
We are delighted that you are considering Ellesmere College as the next step in your child's educational and personal development journey - and in this section you will find a variety of resources to help you with the admissions process.

At any point we would encourage you to speak to our Registrar who will help you with the process of applying for a place, school visits and taster days (when appropriate) and the assessment process itself. A visit to the College is the very best way to experience the atmosphere and spirit of Ellesmere, and to meet some of our students who will conduct your tour and key members of staff.

Prospective parents are welcome and encouraged to make an appointment for a personal visit when restrictions allow. The College usually operates two Open Days each year, however we are currently following Government guidelines and are instead offering 'Individual Tours' and 'Virtual Tours'.  Under normal circumstances, prospective pupils are welcome to spend a 'taster' day as part of the decision-making process.

The youngest age at which pupils are admitted to Ellesmere is seven years old and there are a variety of entry points, subject to places being available.

Once you have decided that you would like your child to attend Ellesmere, please complete the Registration Form to secure their place. (Please note: A place is not guaranteed at this stage, all places are subject to current school reports and references.)

For an independent view on Ellesmere College, read our Tatler Magazine Review!

Please download our useful Ellesmere College Admissions Guide 

Parents' Information
Child Information
Please contact me about (tick all that apply)
I would like to register for...

Individual Tour

Please select a preferred time*:

* Subject to confirmation from the Admissions Department.

College Prospectus
Enquiry - Additional Information

You can also add information about additional children here.