Admissions Process and Key Dates

Below are the details of the process for entry to Ellesmere College. This is a general guide to procedure and we are more than happy to deal with individual requests that may require alternative arrangements. Please direct enquiries to the admissions office: Tel. 01691 622321 Extension 311.

Please download our helpful Ellesmere College Admissions Guide

School Visit:

Open Day or personal visit by arrangement with the Admissions Office. A personal visit will involve a tour of the school and a chance to meet the Headmaster and other teachers. This normally takes about an hour and a half.


A registration form is enclosed with the school prospectus pack. This should be completed before an exam assessment is taken.

Taster Day:

This is an individual taster day arranged with the Admissions Office. Pupils will spend a full day in school attending lessons with pupils of their own age. We try to arrange a day when the subjects, activities and sports taking place are of interest to the visiting pupil. It is possible for someone looking to board to experience an overnight visit.

Place Offer:

Offer of a place is made subject to exam performance and school references. The Academic Entrance Exam is held on the first Saturday in February. Late applicants may be examined after this date. Common Entrance candidates are examined on the date set by the Independent Schools Exam Board.

Scholarships and Bursaries:

Academic Scholarships are awarded on the basis of performance in the Entrance Exam or in the case of Common Entrance in the separate Common entrance Scholarship Exam. Sport, Music and Performing Arts scholarships are assessed in accordance with the timescale below.

Key Dates for Applications for Scholarships and Bursaries

We always do our best to consider good quality applications for awards throughout the year. However the majority of Scholarship and Bursary decisions will be made using the following timescale:

  • Monday 30th January  Deadline for exam entries, also academic and music scholarships.
  • Saturday 4th February Academic Entrance Exam. (Not including Sixth Form)*
  • Friday 10th February Award of places and scholarships.


Sports scholarship and music assessments can be arranged when appropriate during the Michaelmas and Lent terms, although awards will be made on the dates indicated above. An individual visit to the school and interview is an entry requirement for all candidates. All candidates joining years 6, 7, 8 and 9 are required to sit an entrance exam. Years 3, 4 and 5 sit tests in class. Prospective scholars are welcome to apply at other times but the majority of awards will be made on the dates indicated above.

*Sixth Form candidates do not sit an entrance exam instead they receive a conditional offer based on their GCSE results. Sixth Form students applying for an academic scholarship are required to attend an interview with the Head of Sixth Form. Please contact the Admissions Office.