Wellbeing Statement of Intent
Our Pupils.
We believe that well-being is the key to current and future happiness, and that by developing emotional literacy we can help our children become more resilient both now and in the future with the skills they have developed.
Our wellbeing provision delivered by our nursing team plays a vital role in working with individual children to support them through particularly challenging times in their lives and to offer strategies to use to manage and understand their emotions. To enhance the current provision one of our nursing staff has taken on the role as Mental Health Lead.
Our Staff
Staff are the heart of a school and their positive well-being is key to the success of our school. The passion they have for driving our school vision forward and supporting our pupils to have their 'Future with hope', is evident in everything they do. We understand that we all face challenges in our lives, and in the same way we would support our pupils, we offer the staff support to overcome their personal challenges, in the most appropriate way we can. All schools have found that it is essential to set out expectations of behaviour in order to be clear on how we will protect our staff from abuse.
Further information on this can be read in our Staff Protection Policy - September 2023 | Ellesmere College | A 7-18 Co-educational School - Shropshire & North Wales School/College
Our Community
We have strong links and connections with our wider school community and our families. These relationships are vital to ensure we can offer the right support at the right time to support the well-being of our families. Where appropriate we work collaboratively with our families and outside agencies, building up relationships based on trust, and honesty. We continue to work with the Local authority, primarily Shropshire and also with neighbouring authorities as necessary, developing a common and consistent approach to working with families.
As a school we use various resources to support and highlight mental well-being https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/relationships-education-relationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-health-education
Useful contacts, websites, and resources
Parent Kind 'Helping children develop emotional literacy '
Children's mental health services are provided by BeeU.
NHS Every Mind Matters
Mental Health Foundation