Cricket Academy

Cricket is an integral and inclusive part of the sports provision at Ellesmere College. It is a school that values individuals. Our Cricket Academy provides an environment where young players, irrespective of their ability, strive to achieve their full potential by providing a comprehensive coaching programme and a culture of self improvement. This is supported by an academic and community life.


Those that attend the Cricket Academy are able to benefit from:ellesmere-college-cricket-academy

First Class Facilities

High Level Coaching

Competitive Cricket

Academic Support

Regular Structured Training

Pathways to Representative Cricket

Year round Cricket Development

Fitness Testing

Structured Conditioning Programmes

One to One Reviews

Generic Skill Development

Access to Nutritional and Sports Psychology Advice

Game Analysis Work

Year Round Cricket Development:

September to March: Technical and physical individual development

April to July: Cricket Season

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Cricket is the major game for girls during the summer term. The cricket programme has three key aims, inclusion and participation; player development; and high performance. Girls cricket is accessible to players of all abilities. Opportunities to participate and compete include inter house tournaments; inter school fixtures; local and regional tournaments; the Lydia Greenway 'Cricket for Girls' Partnership, and Ellesmere College Cricket Academy.

Evelyn Jones - a previous England Senior Women's Academy player and the Lancashire Ladies Cricket Captain - delivers the weekly programme.

Every female pupil at Ellesmere College participates in the 'Cricket for Girls' programme during their games lessons or squad time. Those that are particularly keen can then join the evening masterclass sessions, which occur twice per week throughout the summer term. These sessions are open to any one of any ability that has the ambition to improve their cricket further.

Ellesmere College has a strong cricket tradition and we have strong links with Shropshire, Cheshire and Staffordshire county cricket programmes. We have a number of talented cricketers at the school who play at county and national level.

  • Ellesmere College provides an excellent environment to develop all abilities in cricket. Our pupils are supported by excellent cricket programmes, facilities and staffing:
  • Four lane indoor nets, with ample room for run ups
  • Additional indoor space available for use throughout the year
  • Outdoor grass nets with an additional six artificial nets
  • Three outstanding grass squares, as well as an artificial wicket
  • Bowling machines
  • Fully equipped cardio and weights room
  • Onsite physiotherapy
  • Ellesmere College Cricket Academy
  • Expert and experienced cricket team coaches
  • High performance cricket coaches
  • Strength and conditioning coach

For the latest sporting fixtures, locations and results, please visit:

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Ellesmere College Cricket Academy Brochure

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