
Mathematics at Ellesmere

Mathematical processes build on the thoughts and calculations of countless men and women over thousands of years. (Little would Pythagoras - born BC 570 - have suspected that his name would still be on people's lips over 2500 years later)

Through the teaching of Maths at Ellesmere we aim to help pupils grow in intellectual confidence, reasoning ability and numeracy through structured lessons that give them opportunities to think and question.

We help pupils to develop sequential logical reasoning and challenge them to think and to express their thoughts in unambiguous ways using commonly understood expressions and symbols.

Extra support is offered via daily Maths Clinics, and extra one-to-one help at breaks and lunchtimes.

A weekly Maths Club provides the brightest pupils opportunities to stretch their thinking with interesting, challenging problems.

Top sets are entered for the UK Maths Challenges and pupils regularly achieve Gold, Silver and Bronze awards at their respective levels.

We seek to challenge every pupil to develop to their maximum potential according to their ability. For some this means being able to master the basics of numeracy, algebra and geometry and for others Further Maths transports them into the imaginary realm of complex numbers and group theory.

We hope that every pupil, of whatever ability, will enjoy the intellectual challenge of Mathematics and will gain much satisfaction from the study of its many principles.