
The Geography Department is busy, innovative and aims to make every student welcome. The department offers a practical, enquiry-based approach to learning, which encourages students to achieve their geographical potential through making use of our excellent resources, fieldwork days and being able to relate the topics covered to modern society and the world around them. At both GSCE and A-Level, students engage in locally based field days, which not only provide them with work towards their final examinations but also allows them to apply and enhance their classroom knowledge.

In Years 7 and 8 the curriculum covers a wide range of topics, from Map Skills to Tectonics in Year 7, to Weather and Climate, Coasts, Global Fashion and Energy in Year 8. In Year 9 the focus moves on to look at the broader issues of sustainability and World Biomes in preparation for the AQA A GCSE.

The Geography syllabus at GCSE consists of units in both Human and Physical Geography. The Physical units specifically cover The Restless Earth, Living World and Water on the Land, and the Human Geography units cover Population, Tourism and Globalisation. There is also the IGCSE available to international students who cover the full course in their Pre-Sixth year.

For those who wish to study the subject in more depth, Geography is offered at IB and A Level. Here candidates, once again, cover both Human and Physical Geography units specifically following the AQA syllabus at A Level. At AS Level the course includes units in Population and Settlement, Energy, Rivers, Floods and Management and Cold Environments. At A2 Level the Human Geography looks at World Cities and Development and Globalisation, and covers Tectonic Hazards and Weather and Climate within the Physical section. At both AS and A2 Level, part of the examination involves skills based questions where candidates are expected to apply techniques learnt in the field and interpretation skills.  

Our dedicated staff have a wider range of interests within the broader subject and the department are involved with the local Geographical Association, attending lectures which invites speakers from Higher education and occasionally 'famous geographers', with previous guests including Iain Stewart and Michael Palin. 

Geography is a popular subject and students cover a wide range of current issues, in our opinion the relevance of the subject is unquestionable, allowing students to understand how the landforms they see were created and thinking about their future world in terms of the population, urbanisation, development and most importantly sustainability.

Geographers in the News!

Here are some recent news stories involving our Geography students: