The General Studies course is studied by all members of the Lower Sixth with the requisite GCSE qualifications if they are taking A levels. This is delivered once a week to sets made up from students with different AS combinations. There is an opportunity to discuss issues of contemporary concern in preparation for the two written exams. Topics vary from Science and Technology to Arts and Media; from Business and Industry to Beliefs and Values. We encourage students to engage in debate and to focus their thoughts and produce a coherent explanation. The examinations assess candidates' abilities to analyse issues and justify opinions with appropriate knowledge. On occasion external lecturers are invited to speak (most recently on British defence policy in Afghanistan).
The course complements our AS programme and allows students to develop academic skills which will stand them in good stead. Successful candidates have the opportunity of continuing with General Studies in the Upper Sixth as a full A2 course. Universities value the course as helping to measure the attributes that a successful degree candidate will need.