
Drama is very popular here at Ellesmere whether it be through the many varied productions throughout the year or academic lessons. Drama caters for students of all ages whether they attend the Lower school Drama Club, opt in to Drama lessons throughout Years 7-9 or take the subject as an optional examination choice at GCSE, 'A' level or IB.

School productions across the academic year cater for all age groups and abilities - our theatre is a very busy place and is always in use. When we're not putting on productions ourselves, we bring touring theatre companies into our professional space to broaden our student's experience of different theatrical genres. Our most recent touring productions have given us a real cultural range of performance from Eastern Kathakali's 'Hima Sundari' to Oscar Wilde's wonderful farce, 'The Importance of Being Ernest.'

Drama is ideal for developing communication, presentation and confidence skills. We make regular trips to theatres in Shrewsbury, Liverpool and Manchester, and all pupils are encouraged to participate in the many extra-curricular productions at the school. In addition to specialist teaching staff, work is supported by our in-house Arts Centre manager and theatrical technician.