The Business Department at Ellesmere College is a lively, energetic and committed department that has seen significant and continued growth in student numbers and popularity due to the range of courses offered and the quality of the pupil centered teaching and learning. The courses offered under the Business umbrella are:
Key Stage 3: IFS Level 1 Award in Personal Finance (APF1).
Key Stage 4: GCSE Business Studies.
Key Stage 5: Business Studies & IB Business Management.
The world we live in is dominated by business big and small. Studying Business Studies at Ellesmere gives students the opportunity to take an exciting and interesting subject which will help them to understand the world in which we live. The approach to the subject is one which is both dynamic in delivery and tailored to the needs of the group and the individual through focused planning and regular assessment.
Beyond The Curriculum
Previously held Business Enterprise Day's have allowed students to use their creative energies to tender for a business contract, in a Dragon's Den style activity, designed to enhance planning, team work, and presentation skills. Various business field-trips are organised including Cadbury's World, Manchester United and EuroDisney.
All lessons are taught in the 3 fully equipped business rooms which have state of the art smart-boards to enhance lesson interaction and has the sole use of a dedicated computer suite. It also has an excellent set of texts which mirror the courses offered and utilizes the VLE for student access to all lesson work sheets, resources and extension tasks.