Support for Learning

Support for Learning at Ellesmere is available on a temporary or permanent basis for those students who are experiencing difficulty with a particular area of the curriculum. Pupils do not need to have an identifiable learning barrier (such as dyslexia) to benefit from support lessons. Lessons are tailored to the individual needs of pupils and are charged as an extra to the school fees. For dyslexic pupils lessons are often timetabled in place of French, but not always, as we try to fit the curriculum to the pupil.

Our aim is to create excellent provision for all students, and we have particular expertise in supporting pupils with dyslexia and related conditions such as dyspraxia and dyscalculia.

The College is a CReSTeD category DU school. Further information on CReSTeD (Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils) can be found at

Support for Learning - SfL - September 2023

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