Teaching and Learning Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to improve continuously the learning and achievement of learners at the College.

There is considerable overlap between policies which aim to ensure good teaching and those which aim to promote good learning. However, this policy separates them in order to distinguish between teaching, which is directly under the control of teachers, and learning which the school promotes but which is done by the pupils. Underpinning this policy is the High-Performance Learning (HPL) philosophy to engage the learner in the belief they can learn, progress, achieve and see obstacles as stepping stones. Learning to perform ‘highly’ is about acquiring skills and attitudes where the learner is resilient, believes that challenges in their learning can be overcome, a rejection of ‘can’t’ to a ‘not there yet’ belief.



This policy should be read in conjunction with other relevant policies e.g. Assessment and Marking, Curriculum, SEN, Academic Enrichment Policies, School Academic Development Plan. 

Teaching and Learning Policy

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