Staff Protection Policy - September 2023

Scope of this Policy 

1.1 This policy outlines the College's approach to protecting its staff from all behaviour from any non-employee which causes distress. It is non regulatory.

2 Definition of behaviour which causes distress
2.1 Behaviour may take the form of:
2.1.1 verbal or physical abuse of an employee of Ellesmere College.
2.1.2 behaviour causing concern to an employee of Ellesmere College.
2.2 Abuse or behaviour causing concern may take place in various contexts:
2.2.1 In person (both one-to-one or in public)
2.2.2 On the telephone
2.2.3 In writing (including emails, texts and Instant Messaging)

2.2.4 Online (including posting malicious comments on websites and social media sites or messaging apps and other acts of "internet trolling".)

3 Rationale

3.1 Ellesmere College has a legal responsibility to take reasonable steps to protect its employees from all forms of abuse and behaviour causing concern whilst carrying out their day-to-day duties. The College is opposed to such abuse, and takes a stance against bullying in all its forms.

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Staff Protection Policy - September 2023

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