Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education

The school provides relationships and sex education in the core curriculum for all pupils, in which pupils are encouraged and guided by moral principles and taught to recognise the value of family life. The science-based aspects are taught through biology lessons and the wider aspects including relationships and respect are delivered through the PSHE programme. In accordance with the law the biological aspects of human reproduction remain compulsory for all pupils, but parents may withdraw their children from any other part of the sex education provided without giving reasons. Pupils age 16 (or within three terms of being 16) have the right to choose for themselves.

Further guidance for parents on why schools provide RSE can be obtained here

Relationships, sex and health education: guides for parents - GOV.UK (

The PSHE programme includes topics on developing healthy and respectful relationships that are revisited in an age appropriate manner each year as pupils move through the school.

It is recognised that young people should be offered the opportunity to receive a well-planned programme of sex education, which is part of the Personal, Social and Health Education programme. As a Woodard school we seek to provide a programme within the context of our school as a caring, Christian community.

For full details, click on the policy document below.

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

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