Individual Music Lessons

Terms and Conditions (2016)

1. Parents/Guardians should send a completed Instrumental Tuition form to the Director of Music, if they wish their child to have individual tuition.

2. The College will aim to provide thirty 35-minute lessons in an academic year. The College will not teach more than 30 lessons per year unless permission is granted by parents/guardians.

3. Fees for music lessons are charged in 10 week blocks, payable termly in arrears. The fees for 2016 are £267 per term (for ten 35-minute lessons).

4. Where a lesson is missed through the absence of a teacher, every effort will be made to re-arrange the lesson for an alternative time during the year. Where this has not been possible, then parents/guardians will be reimbursed for the cost of the missed lessons.

5. A full term's notice is required for the cancellation of lessons. This means that notice to cancel lessons must be given at the beginning of the term at whose end you wish lessons to cease, e.g. to stop lessons at the end of Lent term, notice must be given at the start of the Lent term. If lessons are not to re-commence in September, notice must be received at the start of the Summer term. Notice should be given in writing, addressed to the Director of Music. For pupils moving up from e.g. Lower to Middle School, lessons will continue unless the appropriate notice is given.

6. Staff will do their best to seek out Lower School pupils who do not arrive for lessons, if they are believed to be in School. However, it is not always possible to do the same for Middle School/6th Form pupils because of the size of the site. Given their greater maturity, they are expected to take responsibility for their own attendance at lessons.

7. Pupils are expected to bring their instrumental planners to the lessons, which can be used as a means of communication between parents and teachers.

8. Music staff will provide written reports to parents/guardians twice a year, in line with the College's reporting schedule. Parents should feel free to contact any member of the music staff at the School, if the need arises, via the Music department.

9. A small number of school instruments are available to hire. Please contact the Director of Music:

Music Tuition Application Form

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