Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Policy

Ellesmere College aims to provide a rich curriculum for all pupils that provides breadth and dept, is enquiry-led, and links with the enrichment offer. The curriculum is designed to create the opportunity for pupils to experience the areas of linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human, social, physical, aesthetic and creative education.

Underpinning this policy is the High-Performance Learning (HPL) philosophy to engage the learner in the belief they can learn, progress, achieve and see obstacles as stepping stones. Learning to perform 'highly' is about acquiring skills and attitudes where the learner is resilient, believes that challenges in their learning can be overcome, a rejection of 'can't' to a 'not there yet' belief.


The school aims to:

• Ensure that pupils develop the essential literacy and numeracy skills.

• Provide pupils with a full and rounded entitlement to learning.

• Foster pupils' creativity and develop essential skills, including learning skills.

• Promote a healthy lifestyle.

• Inspire pupils to a commitment to learning that will last a lifetime.

• Promote high standards and expectations in all learning and teaching activity.

The school's curriculum follows statutory requirements and is mindful of the guidance given in the National Curriculum.

It is balanced and broadly based, and promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils and of society and prepares our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

Pupils are expected to acquire skills in speaking and listening, literacy and numeracy skills. They will acquire knowledge and understanding of the advanced cognitive performance characteristics (ACPs) and the values, attitudes and attributes (VAAs) that are essential to developing as a curious, resilient, agile life long learner.

Curriculum Policy

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